Wednesday, 23 July 2014

My Opinion


Happy fasting everyone!

S.U.C.C.E.S.S for me is a word that describe you already achieve your wish or dream. I'm very motivated when I look who already succeed in their life. I want to be like them. Seriously , they had overcome many obstacles and problems in their daily life. Yeah , sometimes I want to cry but my good supporter ( my husband ) will give his fully support to his beloved wife. Alhamdulillah.

I need to struggle today for my future because no one can help me. Seriously I don't have bunch of friends. I'm married early , when I'm only 23. At that time , my colleagues still searching for jobs , further their studies , and so many reasons that we cannot gather together. Less friends. Sometimes , I feel jealous because I don't have an opportunity to have a trip with them and so on. But I have my beloved husband. I have my own life. Both of us want to travel everywhere together. No need to worry about 'kena cekup' or someone jealous when both of us snap pictures together. I don't have any picture together with man ( 2-2 ) before married. Serious. Maybe I don't have a smart phone on that time. Syukur.

I earn my income , my bonus , my saving by myself. I work on my own. Because I don't want separate with my partner. I know the best place for a wife is beside her husband. So , I created my own job. After a few months , my income is enough to pay my car and saving. Each collection I have to handle thousand ringgit to pay for material and my tailors. I learn a new thing. ACCOUNTANCY. I learn engineering before. The beginning always the hardest. I just remember the quote.

Sorry to say, education system in  Malaysia already failed. My late-grandfather told me , " Zaman atuk dulu , if tak lepas pmr , tak boleh naik tingkatan 4. Kena masuk teknikal. ". So , we can see the results now. Many students who are excellent or not , have to struggle in SPM. It is okay for those who are excellent , but it is pity for the rest. They waste their golden time for 2 years. Each students have their own capabilities. Don't force them to study academic , but teach them how to survive in future like our old education-system.

 Now, many degree students do not have a job. Master student also face the same problem. Ptptn chased them. Lucky for me , Yayasan Pahang don't put interest on their education loan ( Thanks abah , who apply YP for me ). So being strong is the only choice you have. Create your own job. 

The main and important part is learn how to manage your income. I had work as an engineer before and I can save almost 1k or more each month. 9 months before wedding day , I can save a lot. I paid on my own. I only bought second-hand car , Suzuki SX4. I'm afraid when I saw my colleagues bought a new car which cost them around 750++ and more for car's monthly. I know how much their monthly income. For a new engineer , the basic salary is around 2.5k/month. Depends on company and engineering field. Pheewww... My husband told me , we should use only 10% from our income for our car's monthly. Learn how to save. Buy goods in cash only. Say no to credit card. Yeah , I'm work as a house-manager too ( handle all payment , grocery , bills ) hehe.

Shopping! The word describes woman. Shopping when everything is settle. What I  mean is when you already pay your bills , car's loan or house's loan , put your saving in bank and the list go on. Shopping is the last part in your income. Please don't put shopping as the first thing you do after you receive your salary. 

I think that's enough for now. Just share my opinion. If my facts are incorrect , please tell me!

Salam Ramadhan and Selamat Hari Raya. 

Raya's entry will come out soon , maybe a few weeks after raya. hehe
As-salam people!

Monday, 7 July 2014



Salam Ramadhan. How about your life in this holy month? For me yang nak adapt suasana bersahur ( pagi tadi both of us tak terbangun sahur lagi ..blergghhh .. rasa melepet dah ni ) and berbuka dengan husband fully tahun ni , rasa happy sangat . Sebab dapat main masak-masak. Tahun lepas tak boleh coz masih pjj. Tahun ni alhamdulillah. 

And rezeki Ramadhan pun alhamdulillah disebabkan mostly Jubah Cotton sold out. If ada baki pun tinggal sehelai dua. Doakan my business lebih berjaya ya. Ada target yg realistic nak dicapai before hujung tahun ni. Hopefully dipermudahkan. 

The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do - unknown

Back to basic ...

Kasih sayang sesama manusia. Kadang-kadang terfikir how cruel people di Malaysia bila baca di paper , news semua yang ada ibu buang anak , suami bakar isteri , ayah bunuh anak. Hurmmmm ... di mana kasih sayang sesama manusia? Kadang-kadang tercari-cari punca semua ni. Mostly disebabkan kurang rasa kasih sayang sesama manusia , kurang pendidikan agama , tekanan hidup disebabkan ekonomi yang tak stabil , suasana sekeliling yang banyak hidup "Don't disturb us".

Seeorang ibu asalnya penuh dengan kasih sayang. But nowdays dah terbalik. Kita yang melihat dan membaca rasa meluap-luap marah pada si ibu. Kejamnya dunia sekarang. Suami bakar isteri? Menyusahkan diri sendiri sebab sah-sah kena masuk penjara atas cubaan membunuh. Tiada sekelumit ke rasa kasih pada isteri sendiri? If ada masalah boleh dibawa berbincang kannnn... Banyak sebenarnya kes-kes akibat kurang kasih sayang. Bagi wanita yang bergelar isteri , tak banyak yang dia minta tapi hanya kasih sayang dan perhatian. 

Lucky for me sebab dapat suami yang memang penyayang. Tapi malang sekiranya seorang wanita mempunyai lelaki yang bergelar suami yang tidak tahu nak menghargai. I'm pity for them. Tekanan hidup disebabkan ekonomi tidak stabil jugak penyumbang kepada emosi yang tidak stabil. Ya , tidak dinafikan life cost zaman sekarang sangat tinggi. Kami berdua sahaja pun barang dapur + lauk segar semua dah RM 400 sebulan. Belum pada siapa yang ada anak lagi , bagaimanalah nak survive if hidup di bandar besar, rumah sewa mahal , gaji kecil , anak ramai. Anak itu rezeki tapi perlu merancang agar mereka mendapat pendidikan terbaik , hidup yang baik , cukup keperluan semua. 

Bila lihat sekeliling , melihat orang yg lebih susah rasa insaf dan bersyukur sebab cukup semua keperluan yang mama dan abah sediakan dulu dalam membesarkan diri ni. Dilahirkan dalam 3 beradik sahaja ( seorang dah meninggal , now tinggal dua beradik ) , memang agak manja , tapi if nak something kena dapat keputusan exam yg baik , if tak , my parent tak akan belikan. So , struggle macam nak mati sebab nak hadiah. Ape punya student la camni. Haisshhh.

Khawin pun suami manjakan dengan kasih sayang, tak pernah kena marah ( kena tegur lembut adalah ) , bangun sahur pun kadang-kadang suami yang perangatkan lauk pauk sebab wife dia ni bangun and jalan pun pejam mata , and suami siap cakap boleh je raya kat rumah Pahang tahun ni ( tahun lepas dah Pahang , patutnya this year Kelantan ) , tapi fikir balik kenalah adil kan gilir-gilir. So , cakap kat suami , kena gilir-gilir , nanti apa pulak family fikir nanti. Ya , perkhawinan tu mengajar erti matang. Kalau ikutkan perangai zaman bujang , kita ni memang jenis keras hati , kalau nak yang tu , yang tu lah. Tapi sebab kita sayang suami kita , ikut giliran okey. haha. Suami faham isteri dia khawin muda. =)

So , conclusionnya marilah berkasih sayang sesama manusia. Kita tolong mana yang boleh. Contohnya , derma kepada orang susah or mangsa kekejaman Israel di Syria , Gaza. Boleh follow instagram artis yatthamzah tu coz dia selalu promote pasal ni , siap ada no akaun lagi boleh transfer untuk derma. Semoga kita dapat saham akhirat, InsyaAllah.

Nak masak untuk berbuka. Love you olls! As-salam.